Student dynamic map competition

Student Dynamic Map Winners

The North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS) recognizes the importance of dynamic mapping in cartography. Each year, students enter submissions to the Student Dynamic Mapping Competition to compete for top awards during the annual meeting.


A Queer Geography of UW-Madison

Group category
by Sarah Fogel

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Foreclosure Sales in Louisville, KY (2016-2022)

Group category
by Jacob Saindon and Michael McCanless

University of Kentucky


Global Covid-19 Vaccine Apartheid

Individual category
by Kenny Stancil

University of Kentucky

Dark Sky Sanctuaries

Group category
by Aileen Clarke, Austin Novak, and Jake Steinberg

University of Wisconsin - Madison


Melbourne's Melting Point

Individual category
by Helen Walpole

RMIT University

There were no entries in the group category in 2021.


Migrant Detention in the United States

Individual category (tie)
by Mara Henderson

University of Puget Sound

A Half-Century of Glacier Loss in Glacier National Park

Individual category (tie)
by Lis Fano

University of Kentucky

The Lost People

Group category
by Hayley Corson-Dosch, Christopher Pierson, Josh Seibel

University of Wisconsin Madison


Conservation Areas in South America

Individual category
by Maria Renee Horn

University of Kentucky

Careless Decay: Dental Deserts in the United States

Group category
by Geri Rosenberg, Matt Rodenberger, Will Gannon

University of Wisconsin - Madison


Oil & Bone: American Ports in the Golden Age of Yankee Whaling

Individual category
by Kerry Gathers

University of Kentucky

Sharing the Glass: Achieving Clean water and Sanitation for all

Group category
by Johnathon Pantzlaff & Alicea Zelesny

University of Wisconsin - Madison


U.S. Migration Flow Mapper

Individual category
by Daniel Stephen

Oregon State University

Human Trafficking at Home

Group category
by Leanne Abraham, Alicia Iverson, Ross Thorn

University of Wisconsin - Madison


Eruptive History of Campi Flegrei Caldera

Individual category
by Danielle Charlton

University College London

Wooden Ships

Group category
by Scott Farley, Starr Moss, Meghan Kelly,

University of Wisconsin - Madison


Transit Lens

Individual category
by Lucas Smith

University of Southern California

Atlas of the Polar Regions

Group category
by Daniel Stephen, Jane E. Darbyshire, Samuel M. Hooper, Gareth Baldrica-Franklin, and Jennifer S. Bohannon

Oregon State University


Selections from the Atlas of Infectious Diseases

by James Eynard, Brooke Marston, Olivia Hollenhorst, Lucy Romeo

Oregon State University

Plan Oblique Europe

by Jonas Buddeberg, Johannes Liem

Oregon State University


50 Years of Change

Narrative category
by Rashauna Mead, Erin Hamilton, and Vanessa Wetzel

University of Wisconsin - Madison


Interactive category
by Caroline Rose, Chris Cantey, and Morgan Jarocki

University of Wisconsin - Madison


Wetland Gem Explorer

Narrative category
by Christopher Long, Madeline Emde, and Danielle Lee

A California Tragedy: The shocking story of the Donner-Reed Party

Interactive category
by Amy Lippus


The Rising Sun: Japanese Imperial Action, 1868-1941

Narrative category
by Zach Bodenner

University of Montana Campus Map

Interactive category
by Erik Samsoe