Where Can Your Language Take You? – Emma Brown

2020 Undergraduate Scholarship Winner

Emma Brown, 2020

NACIS was happy to announce the winner of the first ever NACIS Undergraduate Student Scholarship in Cartography as Emma Brown,

Emma is a Geography major at Middlebury College. Here is a short description from the awards committee extolling the design characteristics of the map Emma submitted as a representation of her work.

The map titled “Where Can Your Language Take You?” by Emma Brown presents a thoughtfully designed map. Her map analyzes several datasets to form a unique narrative about Middlebury College and its connection to the rest of the world. The text bubbles help to grab the reader’s attention to the various details of the narrative. The countries highlighted in subtle pastel colors contrast nicely with the vignettes that surround the coastlines. This contrast creates a readily apparent figure ground. The pie charts and inset map are well positioned creating an effective visual balance that complement the information shown on the main map. Her map was also accompanied by a thoughtful statement that nicely tied together the cartographer’s motivation for the project with the visual narrative of the map.

NACIS is proud to foster Emma’s continued pursuit of learning and excellence and wishes the very best in this continued path within the cartographic domain.