Front Matter
About the Cover
Letter from the Editor
Jim Thatcher
Peer-Reviewed Articles
A Low-Distortion Oblique Map Projection of the World’s Landmasses
Krisztián Kerkovits
Dating Maps with Sir Francis Drake’s Route of Circumnavigation
Terry Bahill
US Navy Aerial Photography Squadrons in Türkiye: American Interests in Cold War Cartography
Christopher H. Roosevelt
Practical Cartographer’s Corner
Ambient Occlusion for Terrain Shading
Bernhard Jenny
Visual Fields
A Synesthete’s Atlas: Real Time Cartography in Performance
Eric Theise
Review of Women and GIS Volume 2: Stars of Spatial Science; and Women and GIS Volume 3: Champions of a Sustainable World
Rebecca Ramsey
Review of Airline Maps: A Century of Art and Design
Lily Houtman
Review of The Lost Subways of North America: A Cartographic Guide to the Past, Present, and What Might Have Been
Matthew Buchanan
Review of Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization, fourth edition
Daniel G. Cole
Instructions to Authors