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Cartographic Perspectives Issue #103 Released

Date posted: July 22, 2024

Cartographic Perspectives Issue #103 released

Cartographic Perspectives #103

An increase in the number of articles submitted to the journal has yielded a particularly long issue at 114 pages, one that features three research articles, entries in the Practical Cartographer’s Corner and Visual Fields sections, and an assortment of book reviews from across the spectrum of cartography. It is my hope that any reader can find one (or hopefully several) topics of interest in this issue.

I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this issue—the authors, the reviewers, the editorial team, and the NACIS community for its continued support. Cartographic Perspectives, a truly open-access journal covering the breadth of cartography, remains a gem. I am thankful to have been entrusted with its care.

Jim Thatcher, Editor

Download the complete issue

Front Matter

About the Cover


Letter from the Editor
Jim Thatcher

Peer-Reviewed Articles

A Low-Distortion Oblique Map Projection of the World’s Landmasses
Krisztián Kerkovits

Dating Maps with Sir Francis Drake’s Route of Circumnavigation
Terry Bahill

US Navy Aerial Photography Squadrons in Türkiye: American Interests in Cold War Cartography
Christopher H. Roosevelt

Practical Cartographer’s Corner

Ambient Occlusion for Terrain Shading
Bernhard Jenny

Visual Fields

A Synesthete’s Atlas: Real Time Cartography in Performance
Eric Theise


Review of Women and GIS Volume 2: Stars of Spatial Science; and Women and GIS Volume 3: Champions of a Sustainable World
Rebecca Ramsey

Review of Airline Maps: A Century of Art and Design
Lily Houtman

Review of The Lost Subways of North America: A Cartographic Guide to the Past, Present, and What Might Have Been
Matthew Buchanan

Review of Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization, fourth edition
Daniel G. Cole


Instructions to Authors

About the Journal
Cartographic Perspectives is the open-access journal of NACIS, published 3 times per year. Featuring peer-reviewed research, tutorials, book reviews, novel map designs, and more, CP is devoted to the study and practice of cartography in all its diversity. To submit your work, or to learn more, visit


Free and Fair
CP is published under a unique “free-and-fair” model: all content is made available to the public under a Creative Commons license, and authors retain copyright on their submissions. We believe this model is the best way to help our community share knowledge.


While an issue is in preparation, we publish individual articles online as soon as they’re ready. Visit to see the latest content, without waiting!

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